Group Health Insurance
In our day to day lives, we are exposed to many risks associated either with accidents
or illnesses. And with the ever increasing costs associated with Hospitalization, it can
mean a drain on your precious savings. Not anymore. With the Group Mediclaim policy,
you can provide your employees/members the optimum cover they require. A Group
Health Insurance plan provides coverage to all the members in a single policy.
This policy can be tailor made to suit the requirement of your group. Listed below are the various covers that are generally available with different insurer:-
This policy can be tailor made to suit the requirement of your group. Listed below are the various covers that are generally available with different insurer:-

Anaesthesia, blood, Oxygen, Operation theatre Charges, Surgical Appliances, Medicines
and drugs, diagnostic Materials and X-Ray, dialysis, Chemotherapy

In hospitalization expenses due to Sickness or Accidents

Including Room, boarding Expenses as provided by the Hospital / Nursing Home;

Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants, Specialist Fees;

Nursing Expenses;

Pre Hospitalization Expenses

Post Hospitalization Expenses

Domiciliary Hospitalization Expenses

Day Care Treatments
- Reimbursement of Cost of Health Check Up
- Waiver of First Year Exclusions
- Reimbursement of ambulance Costs
- Inclusion of Pre Existing disease
- Family Floater to covers member’s immediate family viz. Spouse, dependent Children, dependent Parents etc.
- Maternity benefit
- Dental Treatment
- Cost of Spectacles, contact lenses
- Waiver of waiting period