Investment Insurance FAQ
These are a few suggested options that a beginner can invest in:
- Mutual Funds
- Bonds or Fixed Income Plans
- Life Insurane
You can invest in low-risk investments, like Bank Fixed Deposits, Money Market Funds, Corporate Bonds,
Mutual Fund etc.
Top investments with higher rate of return are:
- Direct Equity
- Initial Public Offer (IPO)
- Equity Funds: Small and Mid-Capital Plans
- Equity Linked Savings Scheme
- Mutual Fund
There are various plans wherein tax assets can claim benefits for the amount invested in savings and investment plans, such as Investment in mutual Fund, Buying a life insurance policy or buying health insurance. Under the
section 80 C and 80 D of Indian Income-tax Act, an individual is entitled to a deduction on the investment done or premium payment made under savings plan.